Image taken: April 12, 2021 | Location: Back Yard

- Imaging telescopes or lenses: William Optics Zenithstar 103 APO
- Imaging cameras: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
- Mounts: iOptron CEM40
- Guiding telescopes or lenses: Orion Magnificent Mini 50mm Guide Scope
- Guiding cameras: Orion Starshooter Autoguider
- Software: Astro Pixel Processor · PixInsight · N.I.N.A. · Stellarium Developers Stellarium Planetarium · Craig Stark et al. PHD2 Guiding
- Filters: Astronomik UHC 2″
- Dates:April 12, 2021
- Frames: 70×180″ (3h 30′)
- Integration: 3h 30′
- Avg. Moon age: 0.35 days
- Avg. Moon phase: 0.14%
Upper Left: M 66 / NGC 3627 classified as an intermediate spiral galaxy. Discovered in 1780 by Charles Messier and lies 31 million light years from Earth.
Lower Left: M 65 / NGC 3623 also classified as an intermediate spiral galaxy. Discovered by Charles Messier and has also been attributed to Pierre Méchain. This galaxy is 35 million light years from Earth.
Right: NGC 3628 also known as the Hamburger Galaxy or Sarah’s Galaxy, it is classified as an unbarred spiral galaxy. Located about 35 million light years from Earth and discovered by William Herschel in 1784.